About Us

Olivver is owned and managed by Michael Lamb, writer, travel journalist and EVOO enthusiast.

Our mission is to spread the word about top quality extra virgin olive oils and provide a platform for New Zealanders to access a carefully selected range of the most exciting EVOOs available - including those made locally by our own talented and dedicated producers. 

Extra virgin olive oil has been part of the human diet for thousands of years (some researchers believe as many as 8 millennia!), and the amazing thing is we’re only just learning comparatively recently how to maximise the many beneficial compounds premium EVOO contains.

Over the last couple of decades, the technology and chemistry around EVOO has raced ahead in leaps and bounds - yet at heart it remains absolutely and resolutely the same: the juice of olives and nothing else.

Behind that simplicity is a fascinating eco-system: the finest oils are the result of a thousand complex factors, from grove management, terroir and harvest skill, through to the handling and packaging of the final product. The best producers all say the same thing: it is a life’s work to understand all the nuances of crafting a fine grade extra virgin olive oil.

And now more and more foodies, cooks, chefs and just anyone who loves to eat healthy, tasty food are discovering the myriad benefits of premium extra virgin olive oils - and at Olivver we’re happy to be part of that revolution and another voice adding to the story…